Storefront Location
Stop by the bakery for a sweet treat, or to chat about your upcoming event!
Stop by the bakery for a sweet treat, or to chat about your upcoming event!
DoorDash delivers all orders within the time spans above. Specific times may be requested on your order within their website.
DoorDash is a third party delivery service which picks up your order from our bakery and a DoorDash driver will hand deliver your order directly to the destination. We package all items on sight and prepare them for delivery but in the event your order has any issues during transport or at time of arrival, please contact DoorDash with concerns. DoorDash Customer Service Number is 855-222-8111.
The map (Right) should be used as a generalized delivery radius. All pricing and availability based on delivery location is calculated at time of checkout through DoorDash. This is not an exact map of delivery options and your address may not be available for delivery on DoorDash if it is further than 10 miles from our Gahanna bakery.
Fate Cakes
1360 Cherry Bottom Road
Wed: 9AM-2PM
Thur/Fri: 9AM-5PM
Sat: 9AM-2PM
Sun-Tues: CLOSED